
podcast 20

wish/hope I hope I win the lottery. I wish I could win the lottery.(=is not realistic) I hope we can get a ticket of(?) hocky game tonight(取れる可能性ある) I wish we could get a ticket of(?) hocky game tonight(可能性ない) exactly(そのとお…

podcast 19

You must not go ...(私が,思う.フォーマル). You have to go ...(そもそも,決まっている.カジュアル.) Please direct/point on this map. I would go to a park. Could you please show me where the stanley park on this map. Can you recommend to…

podcast 18

stop making = discontinued. invariable とても大切. inframable hydrangea(=アジサイ,のどが渇く). Do you wanna go.. How about we go... How about we go to english bay.(一緒に行こうよ) Why don't we go to english bay.(一緒に行こうよ) Let's say…

podcast 17

At doctor's office. I caught a cold. I have a sore throat(painは,相当ひどい場合). My nose is stuffy. I have a fever. I feel feverish. cold sweat.(悪寒) body aches.(熱が出て節々が痛い) I feel sick. stomach-ache heart-burn.(胸焼け) gassy. …