YCSB での HBase に対する設定


ちょっとYCSBを見てみると、HBaseClient.java L108に、以下のような関数がある。

public class HBaseClient extends com.yahoo.ycsb.DB {
    public void getHTable(String table) throws IOException
        synchronized (tableLock) {
            _hTable = new HTable(config, table);
            //2 suggestions from http://ryantwopointoh.blogspot.com/2009/01/performance-of-hbase-importing.html
            //return hTable;


 * A layer for accessing a database to be benchmarked. Each thread in the client
 * will be given its own instance of whatever DB class is to be used in the test.
 * This class should be constructed using a no-argument constructor, so we can
 * load it dynamically. Any argument-based initialization should be
 * done by init().

public abstract class DB {
